Since 2015, Steve Bradley, AVP Outside Coordinator at FCI Ray Brook, Carolyn Polikarpus, Heather Rich, Laurie Scott and Josiah McTier (Inside Facilitator) have worked hard to build an AVP program at the Federal Correctional Institution at Ray Brook, NY. 

In March, 2016, they graduated 21 apprentice facilitators (see photo above).

On February 2, 2017, thirteen new apprentice facilitators joined the team (see photo below)!

We are especially grateful to Chaplain Michael Beck and Lea Brickford, Religious Services Assistant, both at FCI Ray Brook, for their consistent support!In January, the Federal Bureau of Prisons posted that they have recognized AVP as a Model Program!  We are grateful for the work and the recognition your work has brought AVP!

Chaplain Beck offers, “Congratulations on being further recognized as an organization for the quality content and results of all the work you do!” 

Shirley Way

Office Administrator
Alternatives to Violence Project New York
PO Box 6851
Ithaca, NY  14851-6851
800-909-8920 or 315-604-7940
[email protected]
