Want to work on violence/non-violence issues?
Want to be more effective in your community/workplace?
Just curious about the AVP workshops?
Experiencing an AVP workshop yourself is the best way to really get to know the power of these experiential workshops. Many have said their first workshop was a life-changing experience.
Take a workshop yourself!
- Many of the workshops in the US are held inside prisons, and prisons often allow outside visitors to attend workshops. Because prison workshops are more frequent in the USA, they are often the easiest way to experience an AVP workshop.
- Lots of AVP programs include workshops conducted in communities. These are pretty much the same as the prison workshops. However as each workshop draws heavily on the personal experiences of the participants, it will be a different workshop than one conducted in a prison. We all have corners of violence in our psyche to work on, but the examples and specific direction will vary with the mix of participants.
- Workshops will encompass 18-24 hours total and might be over a weekend, or spread out over more days or weeks.
- Costs are generally low as our philosophy is that no one needs to be refused attendance due to lack of funds.. Typical charges are $40 – $100, with the upper ranges dedicated to providing scholarships.
- Corollary: We really appreciate donations!
- Ideally, you can find a workshop near to where you live. Some of our upcoming workshops are listed below. If you don’t see one in your area, use our Contact Database at the bottom of the page to find a program nearest you.
DATE (select for details) |
March 24, 2025 | Trainers | ONLINE, MA | AVP-Boston |
March 22, 2025 | Advanced | Richmond, IN | AVP Indiana |
March 11, 2025 | Advanced | ONLINE, MA | AVP-Boston |
March 6, 2025 | Advanced | ONLINE, MA | AVP-Boston |
February 21, 2025 | Basic | Neptune City, NJ | AVP-New Jersey |
February 17, 2025 | Basic | ONLINE, MA | AVP-Boston |
No workshop listed near you? Contact a Local AVP Program below. Select a CHAPTER STATE, then click SEARCH