Personal Transformer Subscription



Please note the following:
  • Maximum quantity allowed for this product: 3

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Note: Both electronic and paper subscriptions already include both English and Spanish PDF’s.

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Personal subscription to the Transformer, AVP-USA
Facilitators’ newsletter. (4 issues/year).

Workshop news and tips, current and upcoming AVP events, testimonial submissions, and more.

  • Electronic Subscription is PDF (Acrobat) files only, delivered by E-mail.
  • Paper subscription includes both USPS mailed paper & electronic delivery.
    • Available for USA addresses only.
  • Inmate paper subscription for the incarcerated must ship to a prison address.
    • Parolees are also eligible, but must have had a subscription while incarcerated.
    • Note: If subscribing multiple Inmates, use the MULTIPLE INMATE SUBSCRIPTIONS instead of the Personal Transformer Subscription.
  • Subscribing for someone else
    • Enter their address in “Ship to a different address” at checkout.