Stories from six former NY inmates; for use in youth programs (DVD video).
Former prison inmates narrate stories of their incarceration. Designed to be used in youth programs, both as a deterrent and a stimulus to make good life-choices.
Some of the Points for Class Discussion:
• “Against my better judgement” -what would her life been like if she had used her better judgement? Have you ever been in a situation like this when your better judgment is telling you “no” hut your heart is saying yes?
• The power of the streets. What does the power of the streets mean to you?
• Who would be impacted the most if you were incarcerated? How would your incarceration effect your younger siblings who look up to you?
• Can you name three consequences of being an ex-felon?
• What do you see yourself able to accomplish in 25 years?
• How has your impression of life in prison changed since viewing this documentary? Did you know about the possible abuse from guards? Did you know you had to use the toilet in public? The complete lack of privacy? Did you know there was sexual molestation in prison?
• Do you feel that prison is a part of your future?
• Can you imagine yourself in a situation where you are completely powerless? What it’s like to be handcuffed/shackled? To have someone else have complete control of you?
• Who do you know that you could go to help you make positive choices in your life?
• If you are in a situation with your friends that you know is dangerous for you, do you know how to get yourself out of it?